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August 11, 2021

Beginning Quantitative Finance

Posted on August 11, 2021  •  1 minutes  • 174 words

As I write am I still learning the ins & out of Quantitative finance & analysis, these are my own thoughts and opinions about a subject matter that I am interested in.


My interest in quantitative finance began with my interest in the world of Economy & Finance, being a Computer Science student I was curious as to how all these fields can be combined and produce live projects.(my prefered way of learning)

I applied for the World Quant University - Applied Data Science Module that consists of 2-eight week units that challenges students to solve real-world problems through data analysis through a hands on approach.

World Quant University –> (

Recommended books to begin include:

  1. Yves Hilpisch books:
  1. Paul Wilmott Introduces Quantitative Finance by Paul Wilmott.
  2. Option Volatility and Pricing Advanced Trading Strategies and Techniques.
  3. Quantitative Finance for Dummies by Steve Bell.
  4. My Life as a Quant: Reflections on Physics and Finance.
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I love working on projects and writing about everything I have done.